NZIM Emerging Leaders Programme

Group of young leaders laughing and discussing strategy

The NZIM Emerging Leaders programme, supported by the NZIM Emerging Leaders Scholarship, is a professional development pathway for ambitious young professionals aged 35 or younger, driven to accelerate their career progression through personal and professional growth.

2025 Series One

Influence & Behaviour - 26 & 27 March

Delegation & Communication - 30 April & 1 May

Principles of Strategy - 4 & 5 June

2025 Series Two

Influence & Behaviour - 18 & 19 June

Delegation & Communication - 30 & 31 July

Principles of Strategy - 27 & 28 August

View the Terms & Conditions for this programme.

Two young women talking

Programme Outline

During this challenging programme an Emerging Leader will be provided with an opportunity to build and develop their core business acumen, leadership capability and expand their natural strengths. They will work with a cohort of peers, providing them with robust learning discussions and a platform of networks for the future.

Emerge Capability Assessment

Our unique Emerge Assessment system will support the Emerging Leader and their manager to make the right development choices, provide them with constructive feedback and ensure they are developing leadership capability in the key areas that will provide them with the greatest professional growth opportunities.

The Emerge Assessment system examines eight key results areas:

1. Vision 2. Empowerment of others 3. Environment 4. Contribution 5. Focus 6. Strategy 7. Commercial acumen 8. Self-awareness.

The series of personalised questions probe and deepen the understanding of individual development opportunities. Managers also receive an assessment to complete, adding to the robustness of the system.

Six days of professional development

Three two-day workshops delivered monthly over a three month period in Christchurch. These programmes are:

Workshop 1: Influence & Behaviour (Self)

The foundation workshop of the Emerging Leaders programme focuses on understanding you as a leader. How do you behave, respond, relate, communicate, influence? What effect does your behaviour have on your team? How can awareness of 'self' lead to better leadership results?

  • Define what leadership means to you
  • Identify the traits you value in good leaders
  • Leverage the E's & the P's
  • Communicate clear expectations through your ability to influence others
  • Define, build and relate to your tribe
  • Clearly distinguish between influence and persuasion
  • Understand styles of influence and how you can change your communication to meet the needs of others.

Workshop 2: Delegation & Communication (Others)

One of the most powerful tools of an effective leader is the ability to reallocate duties, tasks or responsibilities in a manner that allows their team to feel empowered and trusted and gives them opportunity to develop and grow. This workshop focuses on the complex dynamics of delegation and how, by supporting your team to shine, you are developing in your role as leader.

  • Understanding the benefits of delegation
  • Distinguishing between assigning routine work and delegation opportunities
  • Understanding foundational leadership practices to enhance delegation opportunities
  • Activating the empowerment potential of delegation
  • Selecting and assigning tasks for delegation
  • Utilising delegation to benefit individuals, teams and the organisation
  • Developing employees capacity to manage complex tasks.

Workshop 3: Strategy (Organisation)

Strategy is a fundamental in every organisation. Understanding the principles of strategy will allow you to develop a robust business plan, taking full advantage of your organisation's strengths and capabilities. Build your understanding to ensure you can be part of the process, be it, creating, implementing or challenging strategy. This programme reviews a number of proven global strategic frameworks. Learn to build an internal response to an external environment, ensuring you are commercially aware and responsive.

  • Increase your awareness of the global influence in strategy
  • Define a number of strategic models
  • Build your confidence in the implementation of strategy
  • Learn to define a strategic need
  • Understand the importance in the execution of strategy
  • Develop the knowledge to engage in strategic conversations
  • Increase your knowledge of commercial gains from strategy.

One to One Consultation

The sharing and implementation of programme out-takes are a vital aspect of the Emerging Leaders Programme. Following each workshop module Emerging Leaders have a one-to-one consultation with a NZIM Leadership Consultant to recap programme out-takes, reflect on wins and challenges and review professional (and personal) goals.

NZIM Emerging Leaders Programme Scholarship

Our commitment to the future of leadership in New Zealand

The New Zealand Institute of Management and Leadership are proud to offer the Emerging Leaders Scholarship to aspiring leaders of New Zealand. Our mission is to share $1,000,000 of professional development between 500 of our country's Emerging Leaders.

The NZIM Emerging Leaders Scholarship is valued at $5000 and NZIM offers its subscribing organisations the opportunity to nominate participants as part of their Emerging Leaders Programme application.

Applications are now open.

Emerging Leaders Investment:

$2,530 including GST NZIM Subscriber

NZIM Emerging Leaders Scholarship Programme is proudly supported by the New Zealand Institute of Management and Leadership and is only available to NZIM subscribers.


This is a unique partially funded scholarship opportunity designed for emerging leaders under 35 years of age in full or part time employment see full Terms and Conditions below.

Once you make the decision to become an Emerging Leader you will complete the following steps:

1. Complete the online application form
2. We will send you and your manager our online Emerge Assessment
3. We will arrange a time to review your assessment with you and your manager and together we will determine your development pathway
4. Post each programme we will make an agreed time for a programme review call
5. Upon completion of the Emerging Leaders Scholarship programme you will be invited to a graduation celebration.

Talk to Us

For further information or assistance in regards to the Emerging Leaders Programme, phone Suzanne Jordan, Strategic Partner People & Education on 029 770 9669 or email


It is really hard to put into words how valuable I have found this Emerging Leaders course. I am already looking back on it and viewing it as a real turning point for my company, career and ultimately life. - September 2019
The Emerging Leaders programme was very valuable for me. The content was interesting and relevant and I'm excited to start putting my learnings into practice. - October 2020
My cohort was brilliant. I found it so useful to share and compare experiences with others and learnt a lot from them. - September 2020

Course Details

9.00am - 4.00pm
Price (inc GST)

This course is only available to NZIM Subscribers.

Subscriber $2,530

Apply Now