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Southland Team Leader Development

We would like to offer Southland Partners the opportunity to explore Team Leader development being delivered a little closer to home, in Invercargill.

The programme consists of two courses that sit within our Team Leader Series, both two days in duration, that are designed to support new team leaders and people who have been promoted within the team to get the best from them, their people, and align with organisational needs.

Team Leader: Essential Skills, August 22 & 23

Provides instant benefit to current and new leaders, providing the core skills and confidence to influence, engage, support, and manage people in the workplace. It explores the importance of leading people and managing tasks; how to support individual engagement and build trust; goal setting for the team leader and the team; managing time effectively and running efficient meetings; using delegation to empower people; and assertive communication techniques.

Team Leader: Building Effective Teams, September 19 & 20

Focuses on leading the team, and the different stages of team development, and teaches individuals to build a framework for managing conflict. Participants gain knowledge about developing a high-performing team and will explore challenges that Team Leaders face and can overcome.

The investment to attend both courses is normally $2,800 for an NZIM subscriber, there is funding support available for these courses, sponsored by NZIM. With the funding available, your contribution is $950 incl. GST per participant. To access the funding, participants must commit to both courses (four days of training). If you look for the courses on the NZIM website, you will find them with the full investment required. To access the funding, you will need to book directly via Lea Hart,

The venue for this training is The Langlands Hotel, 59 Dee Street, Invercargill.

To take advantage of this opportunity and access funding, please contact Lea directly and she will happily assist you with your booking/s.

Funded bookings must be made by Friday 14 June 2024, terms & conditions apply.